My favorite blog in the universe Aquarium Drunkard recently posted a long ode to the defunct HBO western, Deadwood. I know this seems like a cop out of a blog post on my part, but this love letter is so accurate it is hard for me to not re post it. I finished watching the third and final season of Deadwood about a month ago, and I honestly have been depressed ever since then. I haven't seen anything close since then that is up to this show's intellectual par. Each and every character is so perfect, and so dense, it's impossible for me to not get swallowed up in it. Whether it be the rise and fall of E.B. Farnum, or perhaps one of my favorite characters the annoying, loud and violently racist drunk named Steve who when placed in a position of duress, his only savior comes in the form of a black man. If you haven't seen Deadwood, you must. It can be hard to follow since the dialogue is a combination of iambic pentameter and blank verse mixed with harsh vernacular. A lot of people are pissed off that this show got canceled, there was supposed to have been two movies that summed things up. Though there are a ton of unanswered questions that the audience is left with at the end of season three, I am glad the show ended when it did. By being canceled, a shroud of mystery was cast over this show, instead of seeing a storybook ending we instead got to take a short glimpse of life in the town of Deadwood. We may yearn for satisfaction and answers, but man, what a ride.
Check out Aquarium Drunkard's take on this landmark show.
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